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A former Secret Service Agent delivers rough justice to Social Media Trolls around the world

“ConTroll” is written along the lines of films such as “Purge” and “Equalizer.” The story is about a former Secret Service Agent named Saban Kennedy. Saban was one of the Presidents most trusted agents when TROLLING affected his life personally. His daughter attempted suicide due to online bullying, his wife left him due to false infidelity rumors, and when he threatened those Trolls, he ultimately loses his job. Reaching his boiling point with his life in shambles, he makes a vow to hunt down Trolls and showcase his vengeance for all to see. Throughout the movie the world debates on whether (Saban) the Troll King, also known as TK, is a victim or Ruthless Villain that wants to be in ConTROLL.

I believe the riveting suspense and high stakes in “ConTROLL” will appeal to a very wide audience. Please let me know if I can send you the script, and thanks for your time and consideration.