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Reg No 2222488

Logline: The Great Kings of Africa, the Oladoyinbo clan, have been in the African world and have made it known their power. Now the English want to Eurocentrize the Africans. The Oladoyinbo clan go along with it but at their pace. **** following tradition.

King Oladoyinbo has many wives and they bear him an army of capable Sons ready to take the rule on their time. The rich nation has her share of gold and diamond and others know this, but they have to get passed the King. On a missionary trip, Bobby Mendez and his wife Korky have the responsibility to educate several dozen African children, some of them Oladoyinbo. Due to rebel fighting, the Mendez family accepts help from a Navy Cargo Ship and unwittingly the children wind up in America. They become refugees and then are separated from each other. JoJo fortunately winds up living with a professional baseball player Scott, who takes JoJo under his wing. JoJo flourishes under Scott’s guidance. Yet there are those who wish to claim some of the booty of the rich land of Africa. They use the other two brothers to make a map of the land where gold is. The men get some gold but are found out and threatened to never put foot on African soil again.
JoJo becomes a ball player after setting things straight. He goes on to play for the Minnesota Twins as a solid infield player. JoJo relishes his role as an American and finds love in his life Christie, a high school friend. Together they try to make their interracial relationship work in a country still trying to come to terms with minorities. JoJo winds up with the New York Yankees and apparently is on his way to superstardom, yet blood lines run deep. JoJo is torn between America and Africa. His relatives vow to find JoJo and return him to Africa.