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Title: Butcher
Genre: Action Drama
Logline: Emma Mae, a promiscuous, yet ambitious teenager discovers a power that transforms her favorite pet, Butcher, into a supernatural, highly trained killer who gets his power from a collar with ingredients only Emma possesses.

Act I
Life on the farm is full of activity; Emma Mae is becoming of age. She loves the company of her male suitors. Emma helps out at the farm, helping her mother care for a sick friend who leaves Emma a priceless collar that holds a great power. Emma decides to be with an older man, but not before joining the U.S. Army. Emma returns from the Army to Georgia, ready for action. She and Langston, a local store owner get together. Emma takes a pup and he becomes her special project-Butcher.
Act II
Emma, a police now, and Langston are involved in a relationship; Butcher becomes of age. He is a natural hunter with the collar on him. Emma breeds Butcher with a Bull Mastiff. She rears the animals for hunting. Emma and Nelson take up hunting rogue Bears in Montana. They use a specially designed Bus for the job. Emma and Nelson hunt for the Bears with Butcher leading the way. Emma and Nelson are asked to hunt an unusually large Brown Bear. Butcher is instrumental in helping them to bring the beast down. Authorities don’t want the Beast killed; they want him to be kept in a zoo. Emma flaunts her stuff; the men are captivated by her charm. Emma and Nelson capture their Bear. On the drive back home, Emma finds out about Nelson and is impressed. Emma meets Nelson’s secret family in Montana. Emma gets back to being a police and gets back just in time for problems. Emma is faced with tracking her long time family friends who deal in illegal animal hides. The illegal hides create a special problem. Emma has to get in the swamp to catch the perpetrators. Emma catches up with the men, but not before being wounded. Emma’s old boyfriend is involved with the hide traders. Butcher leaves a wounded Emma in the swamp and runs unassisted to alert Emma’s police partner, miles away to help Emma. Butcher dies but leaves offspring. Emma refuses to finger her ex and he escapes. Langston dies and leaves Emma a free woman. She still has feelings for her ex. Emma’s partner leaves the State. Emma ex contacts her, they become reacquainted. There is trouble at home with Pee Wee, who is now a young man.
Emma finds out about Pee Wee leaving home. Emma and Raymond get back together. Emma looks for Pee Wee deep in the swamps. Pee Wee listens to Emma and goes back home. Emma’s boyfriend is robbed and beaten. Emma reveals her love for her step father Nelson. Emma, Nelson, and Ray hunt down the thieves and get revenge. Emma, her new Butcher and Nelson sell their property after Nelson and Emma’s mother split, and move back to Montana as a couple head over heels for each other.