"Lo Rent" Drama, thriller, and suspense in fighting for womens's children
Single women, mothers coming from abuse, addiction, and poverty devise a last minute plan. They encounter danger, risk, and separation to get to the other side.
“Lo Rent” is a result of women frustrated, stressed at the results of poverty, addiction, and domestic violence. Rosetta with her daughter Mi Mi, offer their community services by saving a wife and baby from an abusive husband. At a community location, designed for women, Rosetta, Tia bring women together to “pull it out the mud”. They solve their own conflicts, given society has broken down, there is no other way out. Taking money available to them while on the run, they become bonded, needing each other with the support of Child Care Owner, “Mama TT” leading them to freedom through humanity, defiance, with spiritual guidance while caring for their children.