Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in the courtyard.....

i have a problem and dont know where else to discuss it, to seek good guidance, so i post it here......

The Lord has blessed me with very wonderful parents, and i have always wished to be a good child to them, yet despite all my good intentions i fail. I am rude to them, hurt their feelings, later on i feel bad , but at that very moment i dunno why i behave like that.

please do tell me what i must do?

I read a paragraph in the Gospel of SRK, it said that no spiritual discipline will ever bear fruit if ones parents are not pleased......

i feel very bad, yet i still keep hurting them...

Re: parents


Swami Vivekananda said: "Knowing that mother and father are the visible representatives of God, the householder, always and by all means, must please them. If the mother is pleased, and the father, God is pleased with the man. That child is really a good child who never speaks harsh words to his parents. "

The Holy Mother said: "My son, forbearance is a great virtue, there is no other like it."

Additonal Comment: Pray to Holy Mother to help you to acquire the virtue of 'forbearance' (Kshama)

The meaning of this word is as follows: "Tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation; patience".

Try 'counting to ten' in your mind, whenever you feel anger rising within.
Many harsh words will remain unspoken through this simple tool....and you won't feel so guilty about it afterwards :)

Best wishes,

Nahabat Web Admin

Re: Re: parents

Tom has given good advice, the kind we all can follow. To refrain from immediate action is always good. Usually, however, we are reacting instead of acting. This is why it is so difficult to control our actions. In a word, we are NOT in charge. We are being pushed about by our emotions or by a lack of awareness, or both.

In order to control your rude actions you will need to be aware of them at the time that they are about to happen. One way to develop this awareness is to try to understand why you acted rudely. I mean, try to understand what caused you to react rudely. If you can do this, then the next time you find yourself in a similiar circumstance with your parents you can say to yourself, "Ah, this is the time when I usually behave rudely, but this time I shall try not to be rude."

Awareness is an essential aspect of spiritual life. We may try and try, but until we are aware we can make little change. It may take some practice to become aware before you begin to act rudely. But even if you become aware while you are being rude, this is a good first step. The moment you become aware, you can make the choice to stop your rude behavior right then.

When you are able to stop the rude behavior before it begins, then you will also be able to think of other, more kind ways to interact with your parents.

Location: San Diego, California, USA

Re: parents

As myself, not perfect in speech, thought or deed, I am reluctant to reply. But have been on a meditative walk this evening and decided to do so, right or wrong.

It is my experience, that until there is a shift in consciousness, there can be no change of action.
Until it is realized that the parents are not separate from the self, that it is the self that is inflicting and being inflicted upon, and that all is remembered in the mind of God, unto the utmost farthing.

Never stop turning to our Mother, who is Holy. Never stop.

Location: North Carolina