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Chase after a ill gotten treasure

Inspired by events I have witnessed in the aftermath of the Great Train Robbery August 8th, 1963

At the dawn of the 'Swinging Sixties' grey suits, peak caps and couponed dresses were discarded in favour of leathers, drain pipes and hems that crept ever higher up the thighs. No more so than in Hampstead where bedsitter land offered the young good value housing and fearless lovemaking for all. 'Uppers and 'Downers' defined the waking and sleeping hours. The word in the kitchens of the 'Bring your own Bottle' parties was about disarmament and motorbikes, while across the street ' The Never Had It So Good' procrastinated over the lack or otherwise of social justice.

The gentlemen of the post war underworld sang their swan song by staging head line grabbing villainies that turned them from dubious fame into infamous and sad captives.

The Russian Bear and uncle Sam stared each other down when to everybody's relief, old man Khruschev blinked first and Armageddon was postponed allowing the war machine to relocate and wreak havoc in faraway lands.

As Roy Orbison slipped down the pecking order to make way to 'The Beatles' and 'The Rolling Stones' our protagonists, a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid lookalike threesome, seize a golden egg that promises to turn them from petty crime to respectability in a land of milk and honey.

The road to paradise, however, is paved with low lives from across the city who form a volatile alliance and jointly launch a search for the illusive treasure. Close encounters ever alternating between hit and miss mark their efforts.

Law enforcement is drawn into the chase by a case of a dead body in the pond and the mystery of the missing millions.

Crossing the Channel is the final hurdle when our heroes hastily grab at straws and in an 'Italian Job' style climax let their dreams temporarily slip away.

Its November 22nd 1963, the day JFK has been shot.