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Logline: “A Curious Turn of Events”. WGA 1534904 (106 pages)

Set in a Northern New England city, young aggressive Detective Samantha Blake and burned-out
seasoned crime reporter Mike Phillips want to know why ex-cons, who are trying to go straight, are being
murdered by someone called the “Defender” and why the murder suspects are killing themselves?
“Sam”, is the department’s best detective. Mike is a burned out newspaper reporter who enjoys meddling
in her cases. He’s at it again, this time trying to out-smart both Sam and the Defender. Sam and Mike are
also emotionally tied together by the death of Mike’s son Tommy, killed while serving in Afghanistan.
Samantha was married to Tommy just before he left on his last combat mission. Now the two have to
overcome their personal demons while trying to crack the case that has left their city in turmoil.