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The Triangle (A philosophical play for theatres or TV series)

TITLE: The Triangle

LOG LINE: The Triangle is a story of Jacob, Abram, Henry, Dylan, and Hazel which presents the absurdity of life – the world without God and joy – a universe that is suddenly deprived of illusions and light, man feels a stranger – and man is in an irremediable exile because he is deprived of memories of a lost homeland as much as he lacks the hope of a promised home to arrive – based on the philosophy which was followed by Samuel Becket, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Harold Pinter and Edward Albee.

SYNOPSIS: The Triangle is an absurd drama in three acts and 7,793 words in length. It presents the absurdity of life.

JACOB is sitting on a bench in a park. By chance, he meets ABRAM, who is about the same age, and sits beside him. They are quite unknown to one another. They seem physically fine. They begin to talk.

JACOB is a retired teacher. He is on tour and has forgotten his home. So, he moves hither and thither. He believes that life is futile and we are aliens. He is unhappy with life.

ABRAM is a company honour that has two sons and a daughter. He believes that the world is the heaven of the heavens – life is full of pleasure – and he is fully happy with life.

After some time, they go to the Rabbit Laughs, where they sit and talk for some time. Later, JACOB comes to ABRAM’s home. ABRAM shows his home and homely items. HENRY comes and serves coffee to them.

Suddenly, ABRAM falls ill because he is a patient with asthma. He coughs too much, and it seems that he will die soon. HENRY serves medicines to him.

After some time, DYLAN comes. He says to ABRAM to distribute the whole property equally. But ABRAM refuses to do so. HENRY comes in his support.

In the meantime, HAZEL comes and also says to distribute the whole property. When ABRAM refuses to do so, DYLAN shoots ABRAM and HENRY. HENRY attacks DYLAN and HAZEL with an edgy knife. They are also wounded and they die. JACOB leaves the places, wishing their happy journey. They all fell to the ground and were to die.