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"EXPERIMENT" Gold Award Winner Comedy Screenplay

A hillbilly chicken farmer, who yearns to be a father, and his obsessed wife, enlist the aid of an eccentric fertility specialist.
The couple’s lives revolve around the maturation of their in vitro fertilized egg. The madness mounts when an agent tries to steal their egg. Medical history is made when their egg hatches the first Baby without Birth, and without a birth certificate.
The couple continue to struggle to get their kidnaped baby back, and face a huge legal battle to gain legitimacy of their baby.
The media go into a frenzy, while their Doctor faces an ethical issue.

ADAM, a misplaced chicken farmer from West Virginia, struggles to survive in fast paced Boston. His wife, CINDY, works as a model, while Adam jumps from job to job.
Adam responds to a classified requesting a Nursery Helper, thinking he can utilize his
degree in Agriculture. Instead, he walks into a day care center. When the harried
manager pushes a screaming infant into his arms, Adam realizes what’s missing in his
life: a baby.
But having one isn’t so simple. Cindy’s obsession with her work and figure doesn’t help
Adam’s desire. Adam meets Dr. STEVENSON, a fertility specialist, and enlists his help.
Adam suggests cynically that humans should be able to give birth as chickens do.
Surprisingly, Dr. Stevenson actually considers this unprecedented way of having a baby.
The couple is thrilled when they realize that modern science could probably make their
dream a reality without Cindy giving up her job.
Dr. Stevenson takes advantage of the situation and fertilizes an extra egg for his gay
partner NICK. Their lives begin to revolve around the maturation of their in vitro
fertilized eggs, while Adam struggles with living the life of a funky rooster.
The couple’s secret plan goes well until the doctor’s nurse, SHELLY, brags to her gorilla like brother T-BONE about the experiment. This leads T-Bone to thinking of a way to
profit from this knowledge. He strikes a deal with two “Agents.” T-Bone tries to steal the
egg and almost succeeds. Fearful for his life, he steals an Ostrich egg instead and tries to
pass it off as the human egg.
Meanwhile, the neighbor’s dog whimpers and scratches to get to the egg. Inquisitive
neighbor HELEN is misled about the use of the special scanning equipment that Dr.
Stevenson brings to scan the egg.

As the due date approaches, the madness mounts. To avoid T-Bone, the neighbors and
media exposure, Cindy and Adam, escape to the Bahamas. Since Adam has never flown
before, he is amazed by the workings of the plane, and his misconceptions about sewage
disposal. The passengers settle in for the long trip and everyone but a Spanish-speaking
couple are asleep when the egg hatches in the overhead compartment, dripping foul smelling fluids on Adam.
Adam and Cindy disembark, but realize as they go through customs that they have no
papers for the infant. Fortunately, they are allowed to keep Adam Junior with them as long
as they abide by specific restrictions. Adam and Cindy think their worries are over, until
they realize that the Agent and T-Bone are still after the egg--or Adam Jr. They end up in
a desperate race to find their kidnapped baby. Nick discovers his paradise at the “gay club”
in the Bahamas, and abandons his mission.
The madness mounts when the couple and the baby return to the States, where the
authorities retain the rescued baby, possibly as an Alien. The media go into frenzy, and
their doctor faces an ethical issue for working against Mother Nature.
They suddenly realize that what they’ve waited for, for so long, could be in jeopardy. A
legal battles ensues as they fight to gain legitimacy of their baby. Despite the lack of legal
precedent, the surprise testimony of the Spanish-speaking couple and the results of DNA
testing, Adam Junior is finally returned to his rightful parents – and to his rightful status as
the first Baby without Birth.