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" Boto the Ocean Environmental Hero" Animation Movie Script.


A fascinating children's story that combines fact and fiction. The truth is that the Amazon Rivers, are home to Pink BOTO dolphins, which are just as smart as humans.
It all begins with Boto's grand adventure, starting with a dare to join the salty ocean waters. Fishing with his little companion, a boy named LUCA. Boto gets angry when he finds himself trapped in a fisherman's net with hundreds of small fish.
Boto rescues the fish and himself from the fishermen's boat. Along the way, he saves a turtle from suffocating, from a carelessly thrown plastic bag that gets stuck round its head.
Boto is determined to risk his life to help his fish friends, and the seagulls, who are in just as much danger. His big task is to sweep the huge island of garbage from the middle of the ocean, to the shore.
BOTO knows this is a huge job and that he can’t do it alone. He gets the help by the fish, and sea birds. However, the help of Luca’s lazy/funny Parrot is disturbed by its hunger.
Boto and his ocean friends continue to work together to free the captured baby Dolphins, who are being caught for human trading.
Boto's bravery raises environmental awareness, and he succeeds in educating ocean dwellers on how to protect their world from pollution,
Now, will Boto, the national hero, return home to the Amazon freshwater in time to save his skin from the damaging effect of salt water? Will the ocean dwellers be aware on how to protect their world from pollution?