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Do Not Go Gentle...

'Martin, who doesn't even know he’s even IN the closet, needs a firm hand to step out of it. This comes in the form of his mentor and tormentor, Chris, who is with him every step of the way; through joy and pain, shenanigans and sorrows, in the crazy days of the 80s…until tragedy strikes……'


Three screenplays ready to go.

1. Do Not Go Gentle.
2. Five Boyfriends and a Funeral
3. The Man in the Big Red Shoes.

LGBT dramas, based entirely on real life (MINE!), each split into two parts, around 1hr 20 each.

Honest, hilarious, tragic, rude, sweary, educational, heart-breaking, moving, eye-opening...the truth laid bare, for all to see.

I would love to hear of your interest, as I am sure we could be on to a good thing! 'Its A Sin', but turbocharged!

I send this with hope and thanks,


Nigel Bray