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the black army

The Bible, the most read book in history, holds countless secrets. Among its oldest and most revered copies is the Codex Vaticanus, securely preserved within the Vatican’s walls. Although this manuscript has been digitized and is available online, a clandestine secret society targets a particular page: page 1382, which contains the last chapter of the Gospel of Saint John—John 21.
To carry out this high-stakes mission, they dispatch Karl Smith, a seasoned manuscript restorer. Disguised as a priest, Karl infiltrates the Vatican. However, his curiosity gets the better of him, and he decides to examine the mysterious page instead of handing it over to his superiors.
What Karl uncovers is a revelation so profound that it not only alters his life but also threatens to upend everything we thought we knew about biblical and historical truths. This hidden secret, buried for over 2000 years, is poised to change the world forever.
Prepare for a thrilling journey as "the black army " reveals an authentic secret that will fundamentally reshape everything we thought we knew.
The world as we know it is about to change.
NB: All historical and biblical data in the screenplay are authentic.
NB: This screenplay is completely original and unrelated to "The Da Vinci Code" or any other movies