
Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at www.facebook.com/susanhaywardclassicfilmstar and you will see the link.

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Re: Who's the phantom Chalkley?

Gloria - not a clue, not a glimmer. Absolutely no idea. I will be interested to learn.

(Now if you had left the question just at 'the phantom' I could have waffled away about Diana Palmer, Guran playing the tom tom outside the Skull Cave wearing his rice paddy hat, the poisoned arrows of the Bandar tribe etc. LOL )


Re: Who's the phantom Chalkley?

Gloria...The movie was "Thunder in the Sun" (1959)and
Susan allowed Eaton's daughter a small role in the film.

I'll look up more info on it for you. At present I can't remember her name. I even have a photo/still from the film of Susan with Eaton's daughter. I'll see if I can find it and email it to you.