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Re: Susan Hayward


Although I love living on the east coast, I do envy those of you who live in the Los Angeles area and got to see movie folk as you did when the cameras weren't rolling.

I admit to being amazed that John Wayne behaved the way he did in the restaurant, as I always thought he was supposed to be a gentleman. (And our gal Susan Hayward even said so.)

As to the Mabel Monaghan murder, my understanding of that is that many people believed Barbara Graham was there when it happened but did not actively take part in the act itself. If true, it's sad to think she bore the brunt of retribution, and the others got off.

You must have many movie tidbits to relate from your grandparents' jobs in the studios, and we movie buffs always like to hear them. Thanks for sharing these.

Re: Re: Susan Hayward

I didn't mean to tarnish John Wayne's immage. I did see him twice in a restaurant and he acted
the same both times. I guess alcohol gives us all a
bit of courage. I enjoyed his movies though and that is what is important in the long run. We all have our bad days.

Re: Re: Susan Hayward

It doesn't surprise me one bit, about Wayne being a lush
Hasn't any of you seen the clip on TCM..with Maureen O'Hara..and how she tried to get him home, one night, and what an emabrassment it was for her?

It's shown often enough...so I'm not repeating it here.

Errol...(By the way, I for one, don't think of THE DUKE
to be God's gift to the silver screen or the patriotic symbol that many seem to think him to have been. He wouldn't get my vote for dog catcher!) But..of course that's just...ME...showing my independence again! (lol)