
Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at www.facebook.com/susanhaywardclassicfilmstar and you will see the link.

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Welcome back, Errol!

I'm so sorry to hear that you've not been feeling well. I just asssumed that we hadn't heard from you because you were busy doing all those wonderful musicals and shows. But it sounds as though you're on the mend now, and I hope that means you'll be favoring us with more postings.

Oh, just reading what you've been watching has taken me back to so many memories. Like you, I've had a hard time watching Stolen Hours, although I find myself putting it on again and again. Darned if I can figure out why, since, like you, it affects me so much to know how close it was to her sickness. Life imitating art? We'll never know.

Although she did make some bad films, most of them were really good. And, no matter what part she played, she always gave it her all. My favorites were With a Song in My Heart, Back Street, The President's Lady, I'll Cry Tomorrow, Deadline at Dawn, Adam Had Four Sons, My Foolish Heart, I Want to Live, and The Lusty Men.

Incidentally, as hard as it is to watch Stolen Hours, it was equally hard to watch Say Goodbye, Maggie Cole, for obvious reasons.

Well, we just have to be grateful to still have her in movies so we can see and hear her whenever we need to.

Stay well, Errol. We missed you.


Re: Re: BACK...IN...THE...SADDLE...AGAIN....

So sorry to hear of your illness Errol and hope everything is fine with you now. We have missed your postings.

It is so interesting to read of you bringing Susan's wonderful work to your nurse and to know his reactions. I never worry about crying in front of anyone either where our dear Susan is concerned.

I too have been showing her movies to a friend over the past months. She already liked Susan and now I believe she loves her too. Just today we watched I Want To Live and she was totally overwhelmed with Susan in this one - especially after seeing the "pretty" technicolour ones we have been watching in the past.

Enjoy Adam Had Four Sons Gloria - so pleased you have this one at last. Susan is absolutely magical in this one - pops right off the screen at you!!

You mentioned the wonderful Stolen Hours - I am about to write a note re this movie.


Re: Re: BACK...IN...THE...SADDLE...AGAIN....

Gloria..Thanks for the kind things you have said. Yes, I think I'm back 'among the living' (just had to put a SUSAN TITLE in there didn't I..)

I haven't seen SAY GOODBYE MAGGIE COLE since it was first on tv and have no idea if there's a way to get a copy of that one. Do you know if it's on vhs?

YES...it will be harder to watch than STOLEN HOURS, but I MUST have it..if it's avaliable.

FUNNY...also..the films you mentioned, as your favorite's are the very same as mine. I do include BACK STREET and RAWHIDE, but every one you had in there are the same as mine.

Re: Re: Re: BACK...IN...THE...SADDLE...AGAIN....

Thanks Trish...for your response and kindness. I have missed being over here and sharing thoghts with all of you.

I have always wondered whatever happened to TAPP ROOTS.
That was another good Susan film and it also starred JULIE LONDON as her younger sister, with BORIS KARLOFF as an Indian (??) VAN HEFLIN was the man of the hour in this one and it takes place in the south with Susan as an invilid, after an accident.

We don't talk about this one very much, but it is irnoic how life works..since later on SUSAN HAYWARD would become my favorite actress...and JULIE LONDON my favorite vocalist. Their careers went in different directions, with JULIE making it as a great moody, romantic vocalist..but if any of you ever watch her as an actress, she was something else too. Not many performances in films, but every one a gem.

I guess I am just crazy for...THOSE REDHEADS...