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Re: I'M....STILL....HERE....>>>

Hi Errol!

It's very good to see you back on board again! I'm really sorry to hear that you haven't been well. Also, computer crashes can be very disheartening. Believe me, I've had plenty and have lost so many items that I had worked so hard to save. I've started over the past couple of years to save as much as I can on online websites.. you know photos, favorite files, etc., but of course, programs you have especially downloaded for your own computer can't be saved online -- as far as I know!...I've lost music match jukebox, and tv-online type stuff.. and programs that I've used with my students...it just makes one sick at heart...goes with the territory I guess..anyway, all you can do is "pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again ( another song.. lol)..

Welcome back!