
Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at www.facebook.com/susanhaywardclassicfilmstar and you will see the link.

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Hello Phil, I could not figure for the life of me why Susan did on appear on Photoplay magazine EVEN for only one time. Eduardo Moreno and I would talk about this matter many times. I guess this will remain a mystery to many of Susan's fans. Back then I subscribed to many of these magazines like you mentioned and I was so tired of seeing Jane Powell, Debbie Reynolds, Liz, Doris Day on the covers and would you believe, I have a copy with Dick Clark on Photoplay from March 1959, isn't that crazy? I didn't get that at all!


I agree with Phil on this matter. Some high up, mucky-muck that didn't like her, made sure she never got the cover of the magazine.

I don't remember 'which year' it was..either late 50's or early 60's..that audience polls showing up in movie magazines, had SUSAN as #1 qUEEN of the box office which she held for 2 or 3 years in a row...only to finally loose that title (and I do think it was 1961)..to DORIS DAY. It was the 'big blonde' time now..and redheads, such as SUSAN, RITA and MAUREEN O' HARA were loosing their mark to blondes....BUT..the first MAJOR BLONDE to hold that crown was NOT...one of the BLONDE SEX GODDESSES..aka..MONROE, NOVAK nor MANSFIELD. It went to a more deserving blonde..DORIS!


P.S. I LOVE IT...RAY!! DICK CLARK as the 'cover' of a movie magazine...since he made...'soooo many movies'.
About the only movie I remember him in was THE YOUNG DOCTORS with FREDERIC MARCH, BEN GAZZARA and EDDIE ALBERT. But that was 1961. Seems funny they couldn't find 'anyone' else to slap on their cover than the host of AMERICAN BANDSTAND...(ha)