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Cars and Criminals, or, The Mechanic

Series Logline:

After being set up by cohorts and arrested, a drug
smuggling mechanic decides to help a local police detective put
more criminals behind bars, if she can avoid retaliation in
her criminal underworld.

Series Pilot Episode: 211 In Progress!


Episode One: 211 in Progress, first of two parts:

An experienced mechanic, Frankie fixes many people’s cars,
but the girls living a few streets away from her family pull
her in a new direction when she begins working on their cars
and ultimately repairs the leaders’ cars. At the request of
Troya and Marciana, the girl gang leaders, and armed with her
own expertise, Frankie steals the vehicles they want from
various parking lots around the county. They pay her 500.00
for each car. With one seemingly careless question, Frankie
finds out the gang uses the stolen cars to rob banks. She
then goes to the police and informs them that the next
robbery will take place the following day, Saturday morning.
Aware of the violent nature of past robberies, the police set
up an operation to catch the gang in the act. At the
direction of the police, Frankie steals another car and
participates in the robbery as the getaway driver. It should
have been simple: catch and arrest the gang in the middle of
a 211 in progress. This first episode ends as the bank
robbers evade capture.