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A Louisianna Mystery (fiction)

Celeste Marchand, unhappy daughter of clown in a traveling circus, runs away with the fire-eater's son, Billy. They each find destinies on the streets of Massapequa, New York. At 17 she earns money as an exotic dancer, earning tricks for extra money. Retired Paster Dunham takes her into his home to protect and educate her. His friend, Dr. Bea Collins, a psychiatrist, counsels Celeste each week. Pastor Dunham dies, leaving his torture to Celeste. She moves to New Orleans to establish independence and find a forever-love. She attracts three men, one of whom gives her eerie vibes. Hearing of a voodoo ritual that killed one of her admirers, she flies back to New York. The attractive, strange man takes the seat next to her. She wonders if they are destined to share a forever-love.