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“Protégé” A troubled woman seeks freedom from abuse from two different worlds." The script

“Protégé” A troubled woman seeks freedom from abuse from two different worlds."

The script’s story leads us into the troubled world of Patty a twenty year old attractive Manhattan street wise hustler/hooker. She is under the abusive spell of her boyfriend and pimp Frank. Frank is a handsome young egotistic hood, he believes he is God’s gift to women. He is always looking for the hustle that will score big for him. He uses and abuses Patty, using her beauty and charm to entice men into spending money on her in hotel rooms for tricks (money which Frank quickly takes claim to.)

Patty is a lost soul, yet she has a special hidden ability. A wealthy octogenarian tycoon Simon McCreedy has been watching, monitoring her every move. He sees something in her that no one else does. He courts Patty, offering her to move into his luxurious mansion with him. Yet dark secrets about her future emerge.