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Hello, My name is Josiah Emmanuel Eni.

I wanted to reach out to see if they could be developed. I am going to tell you why these submissions would be a killer in the box offices. I wrote the scripts, my friends helped with some ideas and I hope that they could be feature films, go to cinemas, and even be in streaming services.

The first film that I wrote is called “SPARE.” A horror with comedic elements. It’s about a girl who is recovering from a drug problem finally starting school again. She makes plans with her friends to hang out due to the fact that it’s been a while since they were all together. Something goes wrong after the hang out is over. There is a murderer out there and they are murdering people for specific things that they have done in their lives and they have to figure out why they are specifically going for just the friend group. They are all guilty of things going on in their lives. In order to stop it, they have to confess. The name is Spare is because you could be spared if you are able to confess. (Spoilers) The twist is that the character with the least amount of lines ends up surviving instead of the final girl. Their character arc was always secretly there and they didn’t have much lines so that the other characters could have shine and so that you can understand them more. Even with their little presence, their side story sets up a main plot for a sequel. I would want this one to have a franchise, I already have them all planned out. The movie has fun teen characters with unique personalities who are friends due to that reason. This movie would be really popular to teens.

Another script of my clients is also a horror with comedic elements. The name is “STAB” or a backup name is “Infliction.” It’s about a girl who has a party which had her grandma trying to kill her during it. It traumatized her leaving her to go to parties as the only way to cope with it. Killings are starting to happen close to a year after her grandma tried to kill her. She questions if it’s her grandma because one of her friends tells her that she escaped the mental facility. The killer is going for people in the girls friend group and also who her grandma attacked last year. Everyone dying is the girls fault due to the fact that, the killer is targeting the people she loves, or loved. That makes her question if it truly is her grandma. Who knows? Is it a copy cat, or is it the real deal? We have all of the main characters already casted except for one. The woman playing Faye Woodbridge (one of the supporting characters) does an amazing job for her first project. She is extremely talented. She plays the comedic relief character but she also knows when to make the mood of the movie sad instead of funny. Her character is very talkative and annoying but her goal is to stop and to be more chill. We have Ashleyn Freitas who is a fashion stylist who wants to try acting. Her social media has been rising recently and many agree that she would be a good model so that’s why she wanted to try acting first. She plays the introvert named Lucy Carmen who is in love with the quiet boy but too scared to say her feelings, which starts to make her hate her friends for some reason. We have a former tiktok star who was really popular during the summer of 2020 with 100k followers, but his TikTok was deleted unknowingly. He disappeared and is now forgotten but I want to revive him due to the fact that he is amazing at acting and has incredible skills that I want him to use for the movie. He is the best emotional actor out of the cast. I am judging based on a zoom line read that we did. He no longer has a huge following but if this movie gets developed, he could. He is from somewhere as small as Maryland but I doubt that he would be there long after this is released. It will show his skills and talents that would leave others impressed. He plays the alternative and emo one of the group named Austin Moore who was a lady killer but now he is committed to his relationship with Lauren(a character I’ll get to later.) He is a very cool and unique character because he isn’t stereotypical and he beats the standards of a regular alternative guy. He is the leader of the friend group and without him, the group falls apart. We have Aidan Bowen who is popular on TikTok at the moment, with more than 1 million followers. He is the love interest of the protagonist. He plays Ryan Wilson which is the character that ends up getting tied in the killings due to the fact that the protagonist’s grandma attacked him last year. They fall in love due to the bond over the last few days. We have a Beauty influencer who wants to try acting. Her name is Gwendolyn Nguyen. She has hundred of thousand of followers on tiktok. She plays one of the best friends who’s named Lauren. She is currently dating her best friends ex. She doubts that she’s not over him but she loves him and she would never break up with him. We