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LADY JESUS - Upon whom was the Church truly built?

LOGLINE: For 2000 years the Church has erased all records of the true nature of Christianity and replaced Christ with the man, Joshua. Picking up where her mother left off and hunted by a ruthless cabal hidden deep within the Vatican, art curator Susanne Abalye is on the trail for proof of Josepha, the woman upon which the Church is built. (Crime procedural with fast action and a healthy dose of adult humor.)

FORMAT: Series. Crime, Suspense, Conspiracy, Humor, Controversial.

COMPS: Zero Zero Zero, Lucifer, Da Vinci Code.

Re: LADY JESUS - Upon whom was the Church truly built?


Re: LADY JESUS - Upon whom was the Church truly built?


Re: LADY JESUS - Upon whom was the Church truly built?

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Re: LADY JESUS - Upon whom was the Church truly built?


Re: LADY JESUS - Upon whom was the Church truly built?
